Understanding More about Urban Public Education through Black Liberation Theology, and COVID19 (Coronavirus)

Stepping back, I surmise that the ideals espoused by these pillars of Black Liberation Theology, should align seamlessly with the ideals of urban public education where masses of students of color come from communities that are the most economically challenged, and politically isolated.

FLASHBACK: Welcome to Camden, President Obama: Here are some things you need to know about education here and in cities like ours

…the original can be found here…http://www.bluejersey.com/2015/05/welcome-to-camden-president-obama-here-are-some-things-i-think-you-need-to-know-about-education/ On May 18, 2015, President Barack Obama made a presidential trip to Camden to talk about “Camden Rising”. He spoke of stronger bonds between the new Camden County Police Department and residents, an economic resurgence embodied in the arrival of massive corporations, and a Continue Reading…

The Genuine Problems I have with the Education Reform Community…a series (Pt. 2)

“Failing” (their definition) schools are not the cause for the lack of future opportunities for low-income students of color, but capitalism and racial discrimination are. And, education reform through urban school closure and broader proliferation of corporate charter schools, as advocated by the Education Reform Community, does nothing to address either.

“Where y’all teachers at when we need you?” Expectations of city public school teachers beyond the schoolhouse

ABSTRACT: While the geographic focus of this article is Camden, the needs of urban communities and the marginalization of its residents are universal. The concerns of Camden residents, safe streets, quality housing, and education, and access to decent employment, are nearly identical to those of Harlem, Liberty City, East St. Continue Reading…