Trust the Wisdom of Our Students: A Case for Camden* County College

(Feel free to subsitute Camden for any county – the message stays the same) Each Spring, in efforts the celebrate our graduating public-school seniors, the Camden Education Association publishes the name of every graduating senior along with their post-secondary destination whether it be college, trade school, employment, or the military. Continue Reading…

Where We, in Camden’s (Urban) Public Schools*, Dropped the Ball (reprise)

The common understanding of “better” schools motivating parents to choose schools is understood to reference a better academic setting, but this is a not central motivator for school selection. Parent choice by urban parents is more complex than “school quality”

With Current Wave of Teacher Strikes, Teacher Unions Have Reason To Be (Cautiously) Optimistic

When I think about the recent successes of the demonstrations in West Virginia (twice), Arizona, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Colorado, North Carolina, and more recently Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago and Oakland, I feel both a sense of encouragement and caution.

Ignoring the Elephant in the Room: Unpacking the shortcomings of “college and career readiness” as an educative approach in urban schools as preparation for tomorrow’s economy

In promoting “college and career readiness”, certain assumptions are taken for granted: that schools are sites of egalitarian meritocracy and not spaces of social reproduction, that tomorrow’s job market desires more individuals with formal education, and that the market will a viable one for qualified and willing workers.

In Camden, Collective Sacrifices Must Be Made

Article can be accessed at: 3/28/2019 The night following the Camden City School District’s monthly meeting, I found it enormously difficult to sleep – so much so, that at 3:42 am I am awake writing this Op/Ed. Comments made by the Acting State Superintendent Katrina McCombs regarding the fiscal Continue Reading…

An Open Letter to Donald Trump from the Camden Education Association…

Article also available at: To Donald Trump: As a force of 1100 public school educators consisting of guidance counselors, social workers, clerks, paraprofessionals, early childhood staff, attendance officers, security officers, and teachers comprising the Camden Education Association, I am writing this open letter to you to communicate our thorough Continue Reading…

Camden EA president walks 40 miles to protest budget crisis

Article can be accessed at: Protesting the potential closing of schools, Dr. Keith Eric Benson, president of the Camden Education Association (CEA), walked more than 40 miles to raise awareness about the budget crisis facing the city’s traditional public schools. Benson began his walk on Monday, April 15 at Continue Reading…

About Me…

Dr. Keith Eric Benson, is a Camden public school educator, qualitative researcher, and current President of the Camden Education Association (CEA). He is committed to defending urban public education and pushing back against financial interests and political operatives working to dismantle public schools in Camden neighborhoods. Dr. Benson is also a Continue Reading…